Viewings normally commence each December for the following academic year and all houses are normally booked by mid February. This said, just search for the current status via our easy to use search engine and send us an e-mail with your enquiry.
You tell us! Narrow down your search via our easy to use search engine or simply peruse ‘Our Properties’ where you’ll find our houses listed by size – ie number of bedrooms. If there’s anything there you fancy that is still available, simply drop us an e-mail or give us a call to arrange a mutually convenient date and time for a viewing. We usually suggest afternoon viewings as it gives the existing tenants a chance to get out of bed!
Please see ‘Terms and Conditions‘ for details. (Essentially we just need a list of everyone’s names and addresses together with a holding deposit equivalent to one month’s rent.)
A sample of your tenancy agreement can be viewed or downloaded on our ‘Downloads’ page.
Not a problem – just ask them to call us.
The deposit monies are evidence of your commitment to enter into a contract to rent a house from us and as such this of course forms a legally binding agreement. Deposits are held for the duration of your contract against any damages or unpaid rent. You know you have somewhere to live, and we know we have tenants for the house.
If you are renting your house under an Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement then as soon as we have received all holding deposits and a tenancy agreement has been signed we can register your deposits with Tenancy Deposit Solutions. You can then check that this has been done by visiting their website: The registration is essentially an insurance policy against the non existent risk of us absconding with your deposits or failing to return your deposits for no reason other than that we simply don’t want to!
Yes but if you trash the place be prepared for some adjustments! If you’ve smashed a window whilst attempting to swat a fly with your shoe, or stuck a dart in a radiator such that water spurts out across the room (yes, true stories), then you’ve got to expect there’ll be a bill! However we’re aware that with 5 – 10 people living in a house we have to expect some wear and tear and we simply can’t be bothered to run around the house counting knives & forks each year so you wont be penalised for minor matters such as a couple of broken plates etc. Generally speaking, the simple formula is that if it doesn’t cost us then it doesn’t cost you. The idea is that the house was provided to you in a clean and fit state and it would be great if it was handed back to us in the same condition so that the next tenants can simply move in. Where the house is clean enough for new tenants to move straight in then your deposits will be returned in full and more quickly than if we have to get quotes for repairs and have those repaired works undertaken and invoiced!
Within 21 days of the end of your contract – please see the relevant ‘Terms and Conditions’ Page for further details.
In circumstances where you have secured your house via the placing of a deposit but one or more of your number then decide that they do not wish to proceed, then it is up to you as a group to find replacements for those who have changed their minds. Once the replacements have themselves paid their deposits we will then be able to offer an ex gratia refund of deposit monies to those who have dropped out (minus a small administration charge). Where as a group you change your mind re renting of your house we will be prepared to offer you an ex gratia refund of your deposit monies once the house has been re-let to another group. We like to say that if we don’t lose, you don’t lose but there is likely to be a small administration charge for the inconvenience and work involved.
In circumstances where one of your group wishes to be relieved of his or her obligations after the tenancy agreement has commenced, you will collectively need to find a replacement for the person leaving and to continue to meet rental payments until the replacement either assumes the liabilities of the person wishing to be released from the tenancy agreement or agrees to sublet the room from the person vacating. In circumstances such as this there is always a good chance that we will be able to assist in finding a replacement though there is likely to be an administration fee to reflect the amount of time expended resolving the changeover.
Of course. Existing tenants are always given first refusal for a second or even a third year in the house that they are already living in but bearing in mind that viewings commence in December for the following academic year you may be asked to make a decision sooner than you expect! Once viewings have commenced we’ll ask you all to ponder on the big decision and if you decide to stay on we’ll ask you for a deposit to secure the next year’s contract (see below).
Yes. This is because your existing deposit monies are of course held against the term of your existing contract and are intended to cover the cost of any damages or unpaid rent relating to the term of that contract. A new contract requires a new deposit so that both parties – you and us, know that the other party is committed to it. You know that you have somewhere to live in the following year and we know that we have tenants. This said we realise that to ask the same individuals for two lots of deposit monies may seem a bit harsh (even though justified) but we have a solution:
Bearing in mind that we will already be holding a deposit from you relating to your existing contract, and that by the time you are looking to book another year you will already be some months into your existing tenancy (meaning that you have less time to trash the place or do a runner), our risk is reduced. This noted we wont be asking you for a full month’s rent as a deposit (as you would of course have to do if you were looking to rent a property from any other landlord). Instead, we’ll offer to transfer most of your existing deposit over to the following year’s contract (leaving say £100 held against your existing tenancy agreement) and just ask you to top up that portion of your existing deposit that is transferred to the new agreement to the equivalent of one month’s rent for the new contract – this is usually in the region of £100. Not quite so painful!
– deposit held year 1: £400
– carry over £300 to year 2 (leaving £100 deposit against year 1)
– top up year 2 deposit monies by £100 so that year 2 deposit is now the full £400.
From midday on the start date of your tenancy agreement! Just give us a call to let us know when you’re on your way and we’ll arrange a time to meet you at the house or at our offices.
No. As students you are exempt from paying council tax though in order to benefit from the exemption you will need to advise us of your student identification number in order for us to write to Eastbourne Borough Council and apply for the exemption on your behalf.
Just give us a call and we’ll send ‘em back and they wont leave until you tell us the house is ok!
We will advise you of the relevant password when you move in to your house and this will enable you to connect to the internet immediately. Should you experience any problems with the service then you can call our providers direct on 01323 648666 (option 4) and they’ll come and sort it.
Yes but only for the TV and not the phone ! This is because the phone line needs to remain in our name for the internet service – which (we are reliably informed) is a superior service to that provided by Sky. For TV connection simply contact a sky provider and let us know when they’re coming round to install a dish – we’ll then be able to discuss where any new holes might need to be drilled or cable run though.
You can’t – the locks have a roller mechanism to prevent this kind of a catastrophe (and us getting called out at 4am). You have to take positive action to lock the room ie put your key in the lock and turn! However if you are locked out because you’ve lost your key, just call us and we’ll advise you of the code to the key safe that’s in every house – there’s a master key in the safe and you’ll be able to let yourself in. Pop the key back in the safe and we’ll call round and change the code. Nice.
We have buildings insurance to cover ourselves against the roof blowing off but we have no idea about people’s personal possessions and therefore insurance against loss or damage to such is an individual’s own responsibility.
Simply call, text, or e-mail us via with your problem or concern and we’ll do our best to assess and rectify any problems within 24hrs. Whether we need a carpenter, locksmith, plumber, glazier or electrician we have the contacts for any situation. We also have a ‘superstore’ containing all manner of tools, equipment and materials, and a maintenance man whose only function is to ensure the upkeep of our houses 52 weeks of the year! This means most problems can be remedied within a very short space of time though please note that you are not living in a hotel and we wont be sending someone round to change a lightbulb!
We don’t mind whether you pay us via cash, card, cheque or standing order (though our preference is for the latter) or whether you pay monthly in advance, or quarterly in advance. Just let us know which payment method and frequency suits you!
In circumstances where you have booked a house under a 12m contract then the answer is of course ‘yes’ but should you not wish to use your room across the summer months you may want to enquire about our Summer Subletting Service whereby we can let your room to overseas students who come to Eastbourne to earn some money across their summer holidays.
Please see ‘Check-out Procedure/Deposit Refunds’ on the Downloads Page